Compare and Contrast the Impact Byzantium Had on the Arts of Venice and Sicily

Question Description

I'm working on a writing project and need support to help me written report.

topics: tardily antiquity, byzantium, islamic art, early medieval europe, romanesque, gothic europe

PowerPoint Presentation, delight follow these requirements

    1. 15 slides with some images of a specific period of art. You tin use the topics as a guide
    2. The data included should be about the fine art work, the artist when applicative and the important factors of the fine art period.
    3. Works Cited folio
    4. 3-v sources
    5. TOPICS: Affiliate viii: Late Antiquity
      1. Compare the mosaics of Santa Costanza with the mosaics of the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia. How are they similar, how are they unlike, and how do they reflect their respective periods?
      2. Compare and dissimilarity the diverse images of Christ during this menses. How does each reflect the synthesis of classical values? How does each image portray Christ and what he represented in early on Christian life and conventionalities?
      3. How did the Roman majestic motifs merge with Christian themes? Use iii examples from this chapter.
      4. Examine the creative contributions of Constantine to Christianity and the effect these had.

      Affiliate nine: Byzantium

      1. Discuss the consequences of the Iconoclasm and its outcome on Early on Byzantine art. How did the Iconoclasm impact Centre Byzantine fine art? Include in your discussion the reasons for the iconoclasm. Use examples as evidence
      2. Explain the innovations Byzantine architects developed. Discuss specific features from at least three buildings and include all three periods (Early on, Middle, and Late Byzantine) in your word postal service.
      3. Compare and dissimilarity the impact of Byzantium had on the arts of Venice and Sicily. Consider the political and social climates of each area and the implication of Byzantine iconography. Apply examples to support your ideas.

      Chapter 10: The Islamic Earth

      1. Compare and contrast the "shared" heritage of the Christian West and the Christian Due east with Islamic culture. Consider the motifs borrowed and adapted to fit within the tenets of Islam. How were they modified to illustrate this new religion and political ambitions of subsequent generations? Employ examples to back up your post.
      2. Select an Islamic structure that is influenced past Roman or Byzantine architecture. Which forms are borrowed? Why and how, in their new Islamic context, are they transformed?
      3. Compare and dissimilarity the luxury arts of Islam. How do they respond to their corresponding creating cultures? What are the political overtones found in the work? How did these luxury arts influence the W? Use examples to support your ideas.

      Chapter eleven: Early on Medieval Europe

      1. Select three illuminated manuscripts of the early Middle Ages and explicate the importance of these works of art. Who were they create for and by whom? Talk over the importance of these works of art and the artistic procedure to produce them.
      2. Discuss the themes and subjects used for paintings in early medieval Gospel books. Select three specific examples from dissimilar parts of Europe.
      3. Select either the Carolingian or Ottonian architecture and research the development and development this specific architectural styles.
      4. Explicate the references to early Christian Roman traditions in Carolingian architecture. How did Carolingian builders transform their models?

      Chapter 12: Romanesque

      1. Describe the evolution of the portal sculptural programs for Romanesque churches. How did these programs reverberate their respective regions? How were they similar, and how were they unlike? Use examples to support your answer.
      2. Draw the office the Crusades played in the development of Romanesque art and compages. Use examples to develop your essay.
      3. Explain the fusion of Christianity, the Greco-Roman heritage, and the cultures of the Barbarians. What upshot did this fusion have on the visual arts of the early on Middle Ages? Use examples and/or evidence in the form of artwork from the text to support your claims
      4. Discuss the sculpture that was integrated into the exteriors of Romanesque churches. Why was it at that place? Whom did it address? What were the prominent messages? Refer to at least one church discussed in this chapter.
      5. What is a pilgrimage site? How did pilgrimage sites function for medieval Christians? Ground your reply in a discussion of Santiago de Compostela, focusing on specific features that were geared toward pilgrims

      Affiliate 13: Gothic Europe

      1. Describe and evaluate the evoluation of the design of iii specific churches during this menstruum. Select three chruches: 1 from the early Gothic period, the Mid Gothic and then one from the Belatedly Gothic.
      2. Characterize the almost important of the technological innovation and sociocultural formations that made the "Historic period of Cathedrals" possible.
      3. Explicate how manuscript illumination was used to convey complex theological ideas during the Gothic period. Analyze the iconography of 1 manuscript in this affiliate.
      4. Using 3 specific examples of Gothic architecture, explain the role of light in these structures from both the symbolic the structural point of view.


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